Due to the restrictions in terms of range and space, the library accepts donations selectively. The library will follow the principles and approaches indicated below, so we entreat our donors to familiarize themselves with the rules.

First, the principles of donations of documents

1. Abiding by Copyright Law of People's Republic of China and the other relevant laws;

2. Accepting donations based on the need to construct the library (Beijing Technology & Business University Library);

3. Meeting with various needs for education and research at BTBU;

4. As a rule, donated documents need to be formal publications, but informal publications of relatively high academic or reserve value will also be considered;

5. For journals the library does not have, including online journals, continuous donations or donations of complete sets are highly encouraged and appreciated.

Second, management of donations of documents

1. Certificate for donation

Certificate for donation will be issued to donors after registering the donations.

2. Once the documents arrive at the library, the library has the ownership of the resources, which will be properly handled (including collection, donation, exchange according to library rules). And BTBUL would make use of these resources as much as possible without informing the donors.

Third, Contact information

Address: Room 105, Beijing Technology & Business University Library Resources Development Department, No.38, Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Post code: 100048

Tel: (8610) 68984927

Contact Person: Cheng Yuan